Whats up Ninjas!



Wednesday, December 11, 2013

6:13 PM 0

It's official.  The Assassins Creed 4 : Black Flag - Let's Play is complete.  It was a long journey and a very fantastic one at that.  For everyone that's following along, I just wanted to thank you for your support.  I can't thank everyone enough for your support on Youtube and making it a community.

With that being said I feel that Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag is a wonderful addition to the Assassins Creed franchise.  I'd have to admit that I was a bit skeptical from the beginning and wasn't very impressed by the trailers for the game.  Felt that the directors for the franchise were going in the wrong direction for this installment.  Even though I still feel like feudal Japan should be next or at least one of the eras, this version of the game was very well done and reminded me a lot of Zelda's - Wind Waker.

Some of the main features that really stood out for me in this game were of course the sailing aspect of the game, as well as the upgrade capabilities and crafting.  I do feel that the crafting and upgrade features were a bit lacking in the necessity department.  You can definitely complete the game without ever upgrading your characters equipment.  If you're listening UBISOFT, next bout make the upgrades an essential part of the game with each mission requiring the use of every upgrade or at least one item from each category.  The assassinations during the storyline were a bit repetitive and lacked total stealth.  Assassins Creed Brotherhood I felt really hit the head on the nail with that aspect of the Franchise.  Also there are a few Elite upgrades that were also somewhat of side quests that really didn't effect the overall equipment necessity to complete the game.  Which also is a big let down.  One of the greatest parts of the Zelda Franchise is upgrading your sword/shield/boomerang/arrows in order to complete the game.  Being limited to the stealth blade and ancestral garbs I feel like these two iconic equipment upgrades should be integrated into the soul of the franchise.

Graphics were hands down beautiful.  Rich textures complete with almost angelic lighting, made this installment pure eye candy.  During the lets play, I found myself constantly mentioning how beautiful the graphics were.

There were however some disappointments but nothing serious.  This installment once again ran into somewhat the same problems that plague the others in this series. That is the repetitiveness of the fights/kills.  Picking up weapons was very useless and not inviting to use.  Next we have the lack in animation for the killing blows, as well as enough gore to make it believable.  The currency needs to be worked on, because pick pocking for chump change makes it a worthless skill and addition to the game.  I never used the hired pirates on any of the missions, they were few and far between any real tactical points.  One of the final equipment upgrades was a spear on a rope, that also had hardly any game play usage.  Why add this as an option when it's not a requirement for a flawless mission.  I could probably nit pik all day on some other things however the good out weighed the bad this time.

I'd strongly recommend this game to anyone who is a fan of the franchise and a well put together game.  So keep an eye out daily for new content for this game, i'll be keeping up to date with any DLC and completing any side quests that are within the game.

Have fun Ninjas!