Whats up Ninjas!



Wednesday, February 26, 2014

8:48 PM 0

Just an update guys, I'm currently moving into a new home and in the middle of the move.  I'll be all finished moving by this Monday.  Then I'll jump right back into making more content.

Also some other things that I'm working on.

1.  I'm re branding my whole channel, and have some really fun ideas to get everyone involved and make my channel a better community for gamers and my Ninjas.
2.  With that in mind, please understand that this is all new and there will be both good and bad choices made.  But I assure you they are for the best and your feedback is what's going to drive my new look and content.
3.  It's a work in progress, so just like anything it's going to take me a little bit to get use to, as well as some real serious editing skills on my part and a lot of fancy stuff that I'm just not a master at doing (IE, graphics, animation, film, photography).  But my content will be better, you will enjoy it's originality and hopefully you'll embrace my ideas and get on board.

So everyone look forward to great things to come, and i'm glad you are all my first subscribers and we can take this ride to the top together.

Also I've been watching all my youtube stats, and views, reading all my comments and all the great feedback.  Doing everything I can to answer questions about this and that.  Sometimes I feel I can't answer all the technical stuff, because well... I just don't know the answer to.  Some of your questions are just things that, I myself would have to do research on, and tons of trial and error.  So don't be discouraged if I don't know why your direct x 11 error is getting a signal 81..210 data corruption failure.  There are just a lot of bugs in games and I wish I knew how to fix them all, but I only can do so much and know so little.

Lastly.. my subscriber count.. Whoa... If this thing hits 1000, I'm going to take my wife out to a nice dinner.  It's quite the achievement, and it really feels great.  It's like a milestone that I feel anyone who puts work into making lots of content can really understand.  It's like a I made it moment!  At the rate it's going, looks like it should reach that this week hopefully.  Just in time for me to make a video for it.  I was looking on social blade and it said, if I keep up this rate, I'll have 14,000 subscribers in 5 years!  haha omg..  So either I need to make a billion videos, or I need to make more intense content that everyone wants to see.  So I sat down and went through my channel, I watched about 300 videos in the last 2 weeks on, branding, and video editing, film, and you name it I've watched it.  Then i've spent about 30 hours a week actually planning and practicing my new skills and just getting everything ready for the new content.  I'm so excited to see it all come together.

So thanks again to everyone of you ninjas that are what I consider my foundation and supporters and I look forward to reading everyone's comments and looking at all your new content as well.

- Zynthesis