Whats up Ninjas!



Friday, July 12, 2013

8:57 AM 0

Alright, so here's the update.  I weighed myself this morning and I was 173.8 lbs.  Which I thought was a 10 lb loss however after looking back at my notes, it's an exact 9lb loss.  Not bad for 7 full days of juicing.  However I'm going to probably say that 2lbs of that is loss in water weight.

After reading several blogs last night about juicing long term i've come to the determination that juicing for 20 days is probably not a good idea.  There are several reasons for a person to juice and I don't seem to fit into any of them.  I don't eat lots of food, I just like different types of food.  Indeed I don't always eat a healthy meal, from time to time i'll take a up an offer for a Philly cheese steak or some McDonalds.  Needless to say a typical meal that I feel would be healthy for me would be fish and veggies with a side of couscous.

So I'm going to stop my juice fast and begin eating a nice dinner with my wife.  I juiced this morning and I think i'll eat a apple and a pear for lunch  and perhaps eat some hummus.

The whole juicing thing is pretty easy to do, I think the mental barrier of not chewing or tasting fats and the textures of food is the only barrier to pass. There are some juicers that juice for months, and undergo what they feel are deep emotions springing out of them.  However if you read their diaries their lives aren't in order as well and the juice has become their main focus.  If you need to talk about your emotions then do it.  Watching your world collapse and your anger and frustrations to others doesn't need to come out at your lowest point. I however don't have any of these emotions to spring out.

It was a good experience and i'll do it probably twice a year or so from now on.  I don't think i'll blog about it though, because it actuality it's not even a big deal.

My goals from this point forward in my diet is to eat light mayo on my subs and stick to smaller portion sizes.  I tend to buy things are the best bang for my buck and usually that means quantity.  I ask waiters when I have a question about the meal, "Is it alot of food?"  The answer to that question usually determines my meal choice at a restaurant.  Eating out and coming home and being hungry a hour later seems like a complete waste to me.  However, I guess I could eat half then eat the rest at home.  Basically I know where my eating habits crashed last year and I know what not to do.

So yeah everyone should juice for a week, to put you back on track for your eating habits when you go back to food.  Nothing wrong with that.

Last goal is to get under 170lbs with healty eating and that should be enough for me.  Bye.